Episode 47 - Rescue and Retreat

Avery/GM: Welcome to episode 47 of Beyond the Furthest Stars.

Ollie, while this healing chaos has been happening, uh, Rho and the Silver Shield come up to you and ask if your drones have made it to the command deck, which they have.

Chris/Ollie: I'm going to seed control of the drones directly to Ro.

Avery/GM: Like a little, a little, just a little like LED panel pop up on, on the dog body somewhere.

I'm going to So she can see through the camera or

Chris/Ollie: well, I'm guessing she has like a Like a little compad.

Avery/GM: Yeah, it has an interface of some kind. Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, so upload it directly to that So she's got the direct camera feeds and control to herself Okay And while that's going on, I'm gonna try and salvage anything I can see if any of these panels are still working.

Avery/GM: The only one that is still working is This one here that was not in the line of fire at all. And you've got this row or this alien here. Who's shaking and, uh, scared as your three robots has started to flank it and taken its weapons. And

Chris/Ollie: yeah, they're just going to stand there pointing their pistol... Or their weapons at him point blank, like right at his face, but other than that, uh, just going to ignore him.

Avery/GM: Okay. What are you looking for on this computer?

Chris/Ollie: I want to see if there's any. thing I can do about the, uh, planet below us. If I can like stop the program from here or upload the safeguard, like directly to the source of the, uh, the virus, anything at all.

Avery/GM: Yeah, go ahead and roll. A intelligence program check minus two for the distance or for the, not distance, the interference with all the chaos that's going on on the planet currently.

Chris/Ollie: 16.

Avery/GM: Goddamn it. Even when I give you negatives, this yeah, you are able to access the mainframe that this ship was communicating with on the planet, and you see that the, the AI that was Controlling this particular subsystem has basically been deleted. And so what's happening is, is that all of the systems that it was responsible for maintaining are failing, which is causing other systems to fail.

So it's like a cascading failure of systems, which is exactly what the IASO program is designed to do. So. With a 16, I will say that you are able to calculate a few steps ahead of this, um, of this program to figure out which system you can prop up in order to keep the cascading failures from happening, but it would require you, your AI crystal to basically step in for the AI that was destroyed, which would render you basically unusable for the next X amount of time.

However long it takes for

Chris/Ollie: in terms of my consciousness or just my physicality

Avery/GM: your consciousness,

Chris/Ollie: okay. I can't use my split cognition to create like multiple minds of myself to Control the systems

Avery/GM: do does that require processing

Chris/Ollie: it does I've got a processing point available.

Avery/GM: Oh, okay I thought you used up all your processing already.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, no. I've got one left

Avery/GM: if you have processing you can commit it to that Um, you would just not have any more processing for the rest of this mission, however long it goes. And there will need to be a permanent solution put in place.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, long term. This is only temporary.

Avery/GM: But this is at least a band aid on a slowly dissolving, uh,


Chris/Ollie: Okay, um, let me see exactly. So there are 19, 683 Ollie minds now.

Caden/Bruce: Oh my gosh.

Chris/Ollie: Supporting the programming of this planet against the virus.

Jenine/Marty: Oh my God.

Avery/GM: And that's enough to support a planet.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Jenine/Marty: That's true.

Zach/Zahn: Fuckin Ollie to the rescue. But jeez louie.

Avery/GM: Jesus. And well, and luckily Ollie is protected from the IASO program.

Zach/Zahn: Yep.

Avery/GM: Already.

Zach/Zahn: Yep.

Chris/Ollie: Otherwise, I would just be like, bye,

Avery/GM: bye.

Zach/Zahn: I'll hold it off as long as I can, but I love you. Bye.

Avery/GM: Yeah. So Ollie, you are in control of this planet. You are getting data feeds of reactor generator outputs. Shield generation, all kinds of cool stuff. You know, the whole economy of this planet now too. So that's interesting. So maybe that'll come in handy later when you need to like make some investments.

Chris/Ollie: Actually, if I have any spare processing power, you know, that, uh, that little program from office space where they round off the little fraction of, of change. I'm going to go ahead and upload that to every business entity on the planet. While all this is going on, and have it route to my account.

Bee/Polaris: Oh my gosh.

Avery/GM: Oh my gosh. That's great.

Bee/Polaris: Ollie's a bajillionaire.

Caden/Bruce: I mean, we're already rich.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: I mean, the planet might be dead in the end.

Bee/Polaris: Well, you know.

Avery/GM: So far, this planet has been somewhat saved. There's still some damage that's been done so far, but overall, you've prevented the bombing.

Chris/Ollie: I'm guessing the reactors were like in the process of melting down.

Avery/GM: Like, so basically what it was is like. This reactor blows up and then the virus spreads to another section of the planet. These reactors, like it, it just slowly circulates through.

Chris/Ollie: So there, there probably were mass casualties, but we saved most of the planet.

Avery/GM: There was probably a city that got blown up, but.

Bee/Polaris: And they will be remembered fondly, but we saved the planet.

Avery/GM: Yeah, for now. Rho is controlling these drones. Marty, how are you waking Zahn, are you using Lift?

Jenine/Marty: Um, I'm a little afraid to use Lift because it does add another system strain, I believe.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, but he has 11 that he's working with.

Zach/Zahn: I have 11 total systems strained with so...

Jenine/Marty: Again, Marty doesn't want to do that to you. You are just knocked out. Stat wise, it makes sense. Not a slap... just....

Zach/Zahn: Do I take minuses for having one system strain or no?

Avery/GM: No, it's just that when your system strain gets higher, Too high.

Jenine/Marty: Mm-Hmm. .

Bee/Polaris: You have to rest . Yeah, you

Avery/GM: have, you'll have issues.

Jenine/Marty: Yeah. So we're not gonna mess with that, that, that's like emergency situations for like in Marty's brain.

So she's, she's just gonna do like a quick, like tap on the shoulder, just a Hey. Hi. You're in a safe place. Hello. Are you okay?

Bee/Polaris: I mean, couldn't you technically, like, use your mind brain powers to, like, link up with his brain and jolt it awake?

Jenine/Marty: That's true.

Chris/Ollie: I mean, yeah, maybe calm him down before he wakes up so he doesn't immediately start fighting.

Jenine/Marty: That is moving my my thing that I'm committing to, like, actually still keeping my I think I still have my telekinetic armor up.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, I thought you got rid of it. It's an un net Bruce.

Jenine/Marty: I put it back on.

Chris/Ollie: Or do you have your own?

Jenine/Marty: I don't have armor. I am squishy and I committed to the scene doing so we're just gonna keep,

I'm just gonna slowly wake him up and hope we do not get injured in any way.

Bee/Polaris: Well if it's any consolation he can't use his wrist like his laser blade because

his arm's broken.

Jenine/Marty: That's fair.

Zach/Zahn: Oh no you, you broke my right arm that's my gun arm.

Bee/Polaris: Well you shouldn't have tried to stab me. I'm sorry.

Zach/Zahn: No, it's all good. It's totally fine.

Avery/GM: Zahn, you have your arm broken and you are knocked out.

And as you're knocked out, while you're, while you're knocked out, while other people are tending to other things and setting your bones, a voice calls to you in your head. And This voice just says, Oh, poor Zahn. Your friends hurt you, but I won't hurt you. I will give you everything you desire. All you have to do is kill your companions.

And you recognize this voice as Rhea speaking into your mind.

Zach/Zahn: That's fucked up, bitch.

Avery/GM: As your mind has no defenses up right now.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, wow, wait, whoa.

Avery/GM: Obviously, this is still a choice you get to make.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Avery/GM: She's able to just waltz right in.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, yeah.

Avery/GM: And talk to you in your mind, you see a projection of, of you walking down the hall and going through the hatch that goes up to the command deck, and then you see a little emergency exit sign kind of thing, and you see yourself pulling this emergency exit lever and your friends getting vacced into space.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, nice.

Avery/GM: And then you hear Marty's nice, gentle voice trying to wake you up. Um, as. Rhea's, intrusion into your mind ends.

So, the way I'm gonna picture it is, what, as Zahn is like, approaching consciousness, he's gonna be answering what she's asking, and as he's like, waking up, he's literally going to like, yell, THE ONLY THING I WANT IS YOUR HEAD ON A FUCKING SPIKE! And then like, you know, consciousness and he's like, starts flopping around in, in, in Bruce's arms.

Bee/Polaris: You're the salmon now.

Avery/GM: Ollie, you hear Zahn yell down the hall that he's awake now? Bruce, you have a flopping Zahn in your arms.

Caden/Bruce: I do.

Bee/Polaris: He angy.

Caden/Bruce: I feel like given what Bruce just saw and not knowing of Zahn's like mental state, Bruce is just like kind of like cuddling him closer and just like, Wraps his head around and is just like, It's alright buddy, you'll be okay, probably, um, I think.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn's eyeballs are definitely like bloodshot from like rage and not sleeping and adrenaline. And he's gonna like, look, like his brain is gonna register that he's looking at Bruce's face. He's like, It's not fucking okay, Bruce. Rhea was just in my goddamn brain, asking me to murder you all!

Caden/Bruce: Bruce just like, pats his shoulder with his tail and is just like, I, I know, I have a plant that wants to eat people sometimes talking to me.

I, um, I sympathize.

Jenine/Marty: I'm sorry, what?

Caden/Bruce: Oh.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn will physically stop moving for like, a split second. As that registers.

Chris/Ollie: It's like, yeah, like, the whole party just stops and looks at Bruce.

Caden/Bruce: You haven't met Eden. And Bruce will like, move his tail, like, under Zahn into his apron and pull out this little plant. And show it to Marty.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is gonna scream and roll out of bruce's arms, cause I'm assuming he's got like the, you know, the cup under his back. He's going to roll out and like crash to the floor.

Bee/Polaris: An inchworm away.

Jenine/Marty: Still in burrito form.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Still burritoed.

Zach/Zahn: Well, I feel like the, the, the burrito blanket isn't like strapped to me.

I feel like it would unfurl as I've rolled out.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, you sliced that, didn't you?

Avery/GM: He cut it a little bit.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, I cut it a little bit. Oh, not all the way. Okay.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. I imagine you turned it on and then Polaris's instincts kicked in and broke your arm.

Zach/Zahn: I was going to say, like, I turned on my laser blade. I cut through the blanket, my arm stuck out and you just broke it right there.

Avery/GM: Marty, Bruce shows you Eden and you immediately feel a psychic power coming from this plant. It is alive and it is trying to communicate to you.

Jenine/Marty: Oh, what's up, buddy? I look at the plant and I go, Do, should I trust you? Are you going to be nice?

Avery/GM: So it's like, it's just like a little bud right now. Like, it's just like a couple leaves and a little bud and you see the little bud like, nod its head. Or nod up and down.

Bee/Polaris: The fuck?

Caden/Bruce: It's a little seedling.

Jenine/Marty: Okay.

Avery/GM: Yeah.

Jenine/Marty: Okay. I'll let it I'll let it talk. What's up?

Avery/GM: Are you a friend of the kind one known as Bruce?

Jenine/Marty: Oh! Bruce and I would cook together sometimes.

Avery/GM: Oh, wonderful. I will make sure not to eat you.

Jenine/Marty: Oh, oh, oh. How how long have you been friends with the kind one?

Bee/Polaris: Can a plant tell time?

Caden/Bruce: Since birth.

Avery/GM: I have known the kind one since Mother gave me.

Jenine/Marty: M mother? Mother? Who's Mother?

Avery/GM: Mother was the tree I came from before everything went... Silent.

Jenine/Marty: I see. I see, okay. Well, if you need anything, like another source of food, in any way, or communicate with a kind one, you feel free. To ask, and I will try to, to get my attention, and then we'll have like, a nice conversation, and I can help tell everyone what you need.

Avery/GM: Sounds good.

Jenine/Marty: Can you also, do you do this as well with Bruce, or is this the first time you're communicating?

Avery/GM: Oh, Bruce and I talk all the time.

Jenine/Marty: I see. I see.

Avery/GM: Isn't that right, Bruce?

Caden/Bruce: Can I hear this conversation?

Avery/GM: Now you can. You've been brought in.

Jenine/Marty: Welcome to chat.

Avery/GM: You just hear, you just hear, Isn't that right, Bruce, in your head.

Chris/Ollie: Now you got the psychic group chat going.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce... Bruce will just nod.

Jenine/Marty: Okay. Great. Amazing. And your name is Eden?

Avery/GM: Yes. I am Eden.

Jenine/Marty: Nice to meet you, Eden. I'm marty, and I look at everyone else kind of concerned.

Avery/GM: Bruce, you see the plant has started like, like pushing its little, like stems towards where Ollie and his robots like disappeared.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Cause of the dead bodies.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce will just sigh and put it back in his apron.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn slowly as, as you guys are having that conversation and Zahn rolls out of your arms and hits the floor. He lets out super scream as he realizes his arm is fucking broken.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris Winces. Polaris Winces.

Jenine/Marty: Um, let's not do any sudden movements.

We want to make sure that sets really well. You okay? You good? You don't, you, um, scale to one to ten. How would you rate your pain?

Zach/Zahn: Gonna be like, we're gonna unpack this later. Right now. We need to kill the bitch upstairs.

Jenine/Marty: We can't really unpackage that yet because your arm needs to heal. So Oh, you meant the co What happened, we have Okay, sorry.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn's gonna hit the button on the side of his helmet and it's gonna reconstruct. And he's like, we're taking the hatch. Don't hit the emergency exit, it's just gonna vac and kill all of us.

Jenine/Marty: Okay, good to good to know.

Chris/Ollie: Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea. We've got Vac Skins

Bee/Polaris: yeah, I was about to say, like, that wouldn't do anything because we all have Vac suits.

Chris/Ollie: We've got, yeah, we've got a few of us with magnet feet.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. I have magnet hands.

Zach/Zahn: Then why did Rhea Imply that that would kill us all.

Chris/Ollie: I don't imagine a psychic God of the hegemony is just going to get vacced that easy though.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. That's why I suggested the ship option to shoot her.

Zach/Zahn: No, I mean, the Rhea showed me vaccing all of you guys and it killed us all.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. How does that work? We have vac suits. Oh no. I don't like that laugh.

Zach/Zahn: I don't want to find out.

Chris/Ollie: They've got like a limited amount of time they could last. So like, you know, if we just get dumped and left.

Bee/Polaris: Oh yeah. But we could just call the, the Oracle ship to pick us up.

Zach/Zahn: Or

Avery/GM: unless the escape, unless the escape hatch is strategically located next to something that burns really hot.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, right. The

Zach/Zahn: like engines.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, you mean the engines that we turned off? Those engines?

Zach/Zahn: Oh yeah. We did.

Avery/GM: The engines that you took that someone said they were going to turn off. Yes.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, the ones that they didn't actually turn off. So we're definitely going to go downstairs and kill them.

Avery/GM: I don't know. We'll find out.

Zach/Zahn: We would find out if we hit that button.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, well.

Avery/GM: Ollie Rho says, Okay, they're in position. I just need a few minutes, um, to concentrate on getting Hermes crystal out. And yeah, she is, she is focusing on on getting Hermes crystal unless y'all want her to not do this and have some other plan.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, let's just pack it up and go home. Let's go to the beach.

Chris/Ollie: Hermes will be fine..

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, Hermes will be fine.

Chris/Ollie: He's chill. He made his choice.

Zach/Zahn: That is an unacceptable answer to Zahn.

Bee/Polaris: I know he wants Rhea's head on a platter, but that will kill us all.

Zach/Zahn: Will it, though?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, yes! Yes!

Zach/Zahn: Will it, though?

Chris/Ollie: I mean, my AC's Like, 20, so

Jenine/Marty: Well, I mean, if the custodians are on their way

Bee/Polaris: Oh, you think they're gonna help?

Jenine/Marty: And we say that this is the bitch that hurt you

Zach/Zahn: With all the shit, Zahn has some serious beef with them, too.

Bee/Polaris: Well, it wasn't their fault.

Zach/Zahn: They brought the IASO program to this galaxy!

Bee/Polaris: No, they didn't. No, they didn't.

Zach/Zahn: Didn't they?

Avery/GM: That's not how Rhea got it.

Zach/Zahn: Oh.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. It's not my fault.

Zach/Zahn: Well, that's concerning. How did she get it?

Avery/GM: Nope.

Bee/Polaris: Yup.

Avery/GM: So yeah. So what's, what's the play here? Uh, Zahn, you're on the ground with your arm in a splint, a makeshift splint, Polaris, helmet back on yet? Or still rubbing your face?

Bee/Polaris: No, helmet back on. He's in the back and he's doing that thing that like, Uh, a kid that knows that he did something bad. He's like, keeping his head down, looking away.

Chris/Ollie: So, I was gonna ask real quick. Does Ollie have a casualty estimation for the planet?

Avery/GM: That is, let's see, you can look that up real quick. Let me roll that to find out.

Okay, well, yeah, 84, 000.

Chris/Ollie: Okay.

Bee/Polaris: That's not that bad.

Avery/GM: Out of a few million, but

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, of a planet's population. But still, you know, like the whole city got blasted.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, that's not good, but like it's, you know, Deal withable,

Avery/GM: not ideal, but you know,

Chris/Ollie: not ideal, but, uh, you know, just want to post that in chat, uh, along with an update about how the Fiasco program has been nullified, the bridge has been pacified, uh, and 84, 84, 000 people have been killed. So just, you know, on the tally of the things Uh, she's got to pay justice for.

Avery/GM: You see a crystal up here in Rho's hand, Ollie, and it is clearly the crystal of your friend Hermes and the ship suddenly loses power.

Bee/Polaris: Let's skedaddle. We need to skedaddle? Let's skedaddle. Cause like, Rhea is probably on her way to murder us now.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. No, we should probably skedaddle. Leave the mechs behind to like, hold her off.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, let's skedaddle. Unless you can teleport, in which case we're fucked.

Chris/Ollie: Can we teleport? Marty?

Jenine/Marty: I didn't take that one, guys!

Avery/GM: Marty cannot teleport, but there is someone who has offered to teleport Marty previously, and Marty declined because of teleportation not being something she was a fan of, I believe.

Jenine/Marty: Marty is trying to be better about not having to rely on psionics after being in someone's brain that has torched. Marty has turned a new leaf.

Avery/GM: Oh no.

Jenine/Marty: That's what's happening with Marty.

Avery/GM: Traumatized Marty.

Bee/Polaris: You've traumatized us all. Good job.

Jenine/Marty: That's some lore that no one knows yet, but that's why Marty's not in the realm of psionics.

Bee/Polaris: Fair.

Jenine/Marty: No, but we could, I mean, so if someone's like, teleportation, if someone says that, Marty will just turn. To, um, it's not, the Silver Shield, the Silver Shield,


every so oft I always want to say the Silver Surfer, that's why there's always a question mark when I say it.

Avery/GM: No, it is the Silver Shield.

Jenine/Marty: Amazing! I turn to the sibling duo, the Wonder Twins over there, and just go, so you got, y'all wouldn't happen to have any teleportation under your belts or would be comfortable. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I know we've had, we're still in some recovery modes of everything. If we're comfortable.

Rho walks up to you and is just holding up the Hermes crystal. Like I just, I just teleported Hermes to me and that was the last of my effort that I have my mental effort that I have for today.

Chris/Ollie: Ollie will look at, uh, Psi and be like, and what is your contribution?

Bee/Polaris: Oh yeah. He hasn't done anything.

Avery/GM: No, he hasn't yet. He's like, yeah, I could teleport us though. That's not a problem. Don't know if I could teleport all of you. Psi turns to you, Ollie. I assume you came out here to ask, right? And your robots are still just holding up the fort in there.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. No, the three robots are still in there. Pointing their guns straight at this dude's face.

Zach/Zahn: Is that dude still alive?

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. No, there's, there's one dude kept prisoner in there. Ollie hasn't mentioned him though, but he's just standing there with like, you know, guns pointed like three inches from his face all the way around.

Zach/Zahn: Got it.

Chris/Ollie: But yeah, Ollie hasn't mentioned him. Hasn't thought it's important.

He came out to check on Zom, but saw that he couldn't do anything and is now talking to Rho and Psi out here.

Avery/GM: I can teleport, but it'll be a bit slow because I can only take about three of you with me and we have a lot more than three people.

Chris/Ollie: How many trips can he make? I'm guessing this is like a psychic strain, like one per trip.

Jenine/Marty: Is it a committing effort situation?

Avery/GM: Yeah, committing effort for the day. Up to three human sized companions. So I took that to mean himself plus three.

Bee/Polaris: Okay, so he could take, um, he could take Bruce, Rho and Marty, and then the other three of us, we could just go to the elevator shaft. cut a hole in the floor and jetpack down or climb down with your tentacles.

Avery/GM: So it costs one effort plus taking other people costs an additional effort. So it would be for him, he would have enough for two trips, but he can only teleport 10 kilometers.

Bee/Polaris: Is the hangar bay 10 kilometers away?

Avery/GM: The hangar bay, yes. The, the Cassiopeia, no. Those, I'm just trying to give like a

Bee/Polaris: Oh, yeah.

Avery/GM: A basic like, kind of what the limit, limitations of this would be.

Chris/Ollie: Well, the ship is, well, so we don't have anyone on the Cass. To control it. Could I remotely control it with one of my extra brains?

Avery/GM: Unless you were already connected to it for that purpose? I don't think so.

Chris/Ollie: Okay.

Bee/Polaris: I mean, you're connected to the planet. Can you put one of your brains into a ship and come get us? Or would that take too long?

Avery/GM: His, his connection on the planet is like, all the effort is focused towards Keeping it from exploding.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, okay. Um, well we should probably send a message to the people on the planet to get their shit under control so it doesn't blow up so that Ollie can let go.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, maybe we could just send a message to the planet like, we need an emergency evac, we just saved your shit.

Bee/Polaris: That'll take too long. Well and truly, Psi could just teleport the three people that can't get down with the jetpack or rocket boots or robot limbs.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, that is the best idea because Ollie, Zahn, and Polaris would be totally fine in space.


Avery/GM: Psi has Marty, Bruce and Rho. He's like, yeah, we can, we can teleport. He looks at Marty and it's just like, Marty, is that okay with you or do you want to go the long way?

Jenine/Marty: No, I can, I can, I can teleport. Are you okay with this?

Avery/GM: Gives you a big thumbs up and a, a big cheesy grin. He's like, I'm a superhero. It's what I do.

Jenine/Marty: Okay. Yeah. Well, this is good. We got this. You got this.

Avery/GM: Okay. Marty, Rho, and Bruce. Are you, are you okay with being teleported or do you?

Caden/Bruce: Uh, never been teleported before. Sounds like an adventure.

Bee/Polaris: Wait. Yes, Bruce has.

Avery/GM: You teleported with Lazuli through technological means.

Caden/Bruce: True, but not by a human.

Bee/Polaris: Not by guy.

Avery/GM: Not psychically. Yeah,

Chris/Ollie: I never got my guy before.

Avery/GM: Um, uh, he says, okay, everyone just, uh, hold hands and a one and a two and a here go and your friends disappear in a flash of light in front of you, Polaris, Zahn, and Ollie.

You are left here on deck three with your robots, your prisoner and shit going down. When you feel the ship. Start to take heavy impact. And Ollie, it's a good thing you left that room that you were in because that room has been blasted through. And your robots and your big boy mech and your prisoner have been vacced into space as some weapons from the Pan Solar Union armada have penetrated the defenses of this now defenseless ship. You lose contact with those robots. You hear the muffled scream of this alien.

Bee/Polaris: Did he have a vac skin on?

Avery/GM: No.

Bee/Polaris: Well then he doesn't scream for long.

Chris/Ollie: You gotta follow the proper space safety techniques, man. Gotta always wear your Vac Suit. This is what happens. You get taken prisoner and then get Vacced.

Avery/GM: Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, we need to fuckin talk to the pants lawyer union. Tell them to chill. Cut it out.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. But we

Zach/Zahn: don't have comms.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, so we need to go.

Avery/GM: So, the three of you are left on this deck as it has started to be, um, decompressed. uh, Marty, uh, Bruce, you two appear with Rho and the Silver Shield in front of the TizKam loading ramp and are ready to go at least get in and start getting Hermes set back up.

You head into the TizKam and you do feel the ship start to shake beneath you as it has taken on some severe damage. Polaris, as you, Zahn, and Ollie, I assume start making it, making your way towards the uh, The lift. Is that the case?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. While they were having that little convo, Polaris was going to go to cut a hole in the bottom of the lift, assuming the lift would not like, it's not powered.

Avery/GM: Yeah, it's not powered. So

Bee/Polaris: Polaris was on his way to cut a hole.

Avery/GM: You're cutting a hole through the floor of the lift, which is not as thick as the walls. So you're able to get it done pretty quickly. The metal piece drops out and falls down. You hear a clang beneath as this ship is shaking from being fired upon and you get a message from Bear.

Bee/Polaris: Oh no.

Avery/GM: It says heard you were in trouble. We're here to help.

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a one up podcast network production. Intro and outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter. Background music provided by TabletopAudio. com. Used under an attribution, non commercial license from Creative Commons. The track used today was Generation Ship.

If you like our show, be sure to leave a review on iTunes or Spotify. We'll be back on August 1st with our next episode. See you out there, beyond the furthest stars.